Bloopers – The Lone Strangers
The show isn’t over yet! Here are some bloopers, edited for your viewing pleasure… -Jack-
The show isn’t over yet! Here are some bloopers, edited for your viewing pleasure… -Jack-
The third and final promotional video for The Lone Strangers, in which we discuss horses. -Jack-
…in which we discuss why The Lone Strangers isn’t a silent film, as well as engage in some subtle product placement. -Jack-
Hello all! This video provides a glimpse behind the scenes of The Lone Strangers (Yes, I finally decided upon a title 🙂 ), which will be released shortly. We hope y’all enjoy! -Jack-
Progress! (need I say more?)
Filming has resumed! Some photos of recent events: And that’s all for now. Stay tuned for some (hopefully) exciting posts in the near future! -Jack-
I’m not sure if anyone’s interested in learning about the technology behind Dead Men Hiking, but if so this post is for you! (Warning! This post may seem somewhat technical if you’re not familiar with shooting video on a DSLR) I used a Pentax K-x dslr to shoot Dead Men …
First of all, here’s an update on the way the monster looks. I haven’t posed him or anything. Also, I haven’t finished tweaking him. Some things I still want to do (if I have time) are: add claws customize his hair some more make his mouth more slobbery make his …
Okay, rather than release Dead Men Hiking on April the 1st to be greeted by boos of “the monster looks stupid!” we’ve decided to get your input. Check out the images below to get a glimpse of what the current monster looks like, and then please leave us some constructive …
Despite numerous setbacks, editing progresses slowly onward. A few more weekends of hard work, and hopefully we’ll be finished! The target release date for Dead Men Hiking is April 1st (no joke :-)). -Jack-